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HN meetup in Chicago (groups.google.com)
41 points by rguzman on Oct 14, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 24 comments

So Monday 10/18, 8pm, at Hophaus http://www.thehophaus.com/ at 646 N. Franklin?

Monday is the 19th, but otherwise, yes

Sweet, I'm in. I'll keep an eye on this thread in case the time changes but I'm game for a meetup.

I also love violet hour but Hop Haus is a much better choice for this.


I'll go Monday. I'm not a huge fan of Hop Haus, but it is very easy to get people together there; on a Monday night, the dining room will be pretty much empty.

(We do ChiSec every month at Hop Haus).

Hopleaf is D.O.A. for a meetup. It's a madhouse every single night of the week.

I'd love to convince you all to meet at Violet Hour, but I'm thinking $11 cocktails don't match the Chicago startup ethos.

Violet Hour would be awesome but I don't think they'd be thrilled to have a bunch of guys in ironic t-shirts ruining their ambiance. :)

They don't care; I've asked them about it. The only issue is space and expense.

Violet Hour would be cool, except that we're trying to keep it close to the loop so that it is easiest for everyone to get there.

Check the thread later, I don't think the monday time is settled yet.

Well, figure out a date and let us know here; I'm not sure why Google Groups is a better place to organize a meetup than right here, though.

My advice, after doing ~30 ChiSec meetups averaging ~30 people in the last year and a half, is just to pick something, get people together in a room, and then if the date isn't perfect you can move it next meetup.

Agree about the google groups thing. Someone should just register a twitter account for HNchi or YCchi like the Melbourne guys did: http://twitter.com/ycmelb

violet hour afterwards?

If there's an afterwards, you're doing the meetup wrong :)

Man, being a student out in the middle of nowhere sucks, I miss all the cool events in the city.

Let me guess, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign?

That's where I am. However, there's a little thing called Reflections | Projections this weekend ;-)

hey dave, good to see you on news.yc haha (I met you at ACM & HackU) Pity we can't make it monday. It would have been cool :/

Could you facebook message me? I don't recognize your username, sorry!

Nope, I'm at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. I'm just from Chicago.

The Security Decisions Conference will be in downtown Chicago 10/21 and 10/22. Any chance the meeting could be held then? You'd probably get a lot of infosec people. See http://infosecuritydecisions.techtarget.com/infosecuritydeci... for details.

I'll be there, but I'll be late, so don't y'all all pack up and move from there. Besides, I'm already budgeting for the calories of a burger.

I'm down. This should be awesome.

Nice. Thanks for finally getting Chicago organized!

I am both looking forward to and dreading meeting tptacek in real life ;)

i'll try to come down from the nw suburbs for this.

now if i could just find a train schedule...

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