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I'm sorry most of the sugar I don't find particularly helpful and can be confusing when you have more than one way to do something. generators, async keyword these should be prioritized not class based inheritance. Even block scoping I mean maybe I'm nuts but function scoping if you take the time to understand it, it works.

>generators, async keyword these should be prioritized not class based inheritance

Generators are indeed being prioritized over classes and inheritance; the former is starting to see support in browsers but there's no sign of the latter.

The async-await keywords are not in ES6, but they are trivial to mimic with generators and promises if you so desire.

>Even block scoping I mean maybe I'm nuts but function scoping if you take the time to understand it, it works.

Block scoping introduces no new pitfalls (unless you count learning two new keywords a pitfall). It does however eliminate two classes of bugs - redeclaring a var with the intent of shadowing the previous one but actually overwriting it, and using a var outside of a scope where it has a legal value. I'd say it's worth it.

Classes are in IE11 Technical Preview and, I believe, the latest versions of V8 as well.

Ah, you're right. Chrome Dev has support for classes now. Good to know!

Javascript books get bigger, "The Good Parts" stays the same.

I'd say fat-arrow lambdas and multiple variable assignments are good... a lot of the other stuff, don't care as much... though generators/promises leading to await/async is pretty good too.

Thin(?)/fat arrow (what do you call ->, thin arrow?) and object/array destructuring is amazing.

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