Great article. As somebody who has always identified with the "math" kid, I've never dreaded nor disliked writing. In fact, I often have the urge to write. My biggest issue is confidence in my vocabulary. After years of schooling for engineering I feel as though my non-technical vocabulary hasn't progressed much since high school and always seems to fall to the bottom of my personal studies.
I believe vocabulary is one of the least important facets of writing. Prose is combinatorial. Even with a smattering of words, there are a near-infinite number of novel, expressive ways they can be combined.
It's rare that a great concept can't be expressed from the lack of a word or two. You almost always need full phrases and sentences to get an idea across anyway.
Also, vocabulary is one of the things most amenable to being improved during editors. I've heard of lots of famous others whose first drafts have "<better word here>" all of over the place. If you think there's a better word than springs to mind, finish your thought without it. Then, crack open your thesaurus later and come back and sprinkle some word seasoning in there.