There's a great zen adage:
Master Sui was sitting with two boys who had recently entered his abbey, Won, and Feng. They had just recently been over taken by a robber while performing an errand for the abbey.
Master Sui asked Won what he had learned from the experience:
"I'll never trust anyone ever again!" said Won.
Master Sui asked Won to go, and never to return.
Master Sui asked Feng what he had learned from the experience:
"I've learned to exercise caution around those I do not know".
Master Sui said "You may stay Feng. Does a carpenter mistrust all nails because one bends?"
Here, we have a wealth of information about the poster. He writes, reads, and blogs about Computer Science. Sure some of his opinions may turn out to be a bent nail, and because of that you should always exercise some caution while reading anyones views. But you'll gain far more by reading, examining, and adding (and subtracting) to (and from) your worldview, in my opinion at least, then you will by spending that energy worrying about trust worthiness. (Generally you'll find out whether or not a source is trustworthy by examining the views espoused for yourself, again, in my opinion. I'm a software engineer with a bit more than a year of professional software development experience, in the process of obtaining a masters, with degrees in Computer Engineering and Mathematics. At this point, while I am no expert, I can often at least find information to be skeptical of.)
" Number of books written: 0 "