there's a lot of talk here about teacher/school standardization but I dont see any talk of what that standardization is, only whos at fault. students dont do poorly in school because the information to learn isnt there or even because its not encouraged by the students parents (speaking of the us education system). students fail at school because of how much its geared to teach square pegs when many students arent a square peg.
sure some teachers may teach for square pegs while others teach for round pegs but the students dont get the option of attending the class for round pegs instead of the square peg class. instead the student is thrown into a teachers class and has to conform to however that teacher wants to structure and grade the class. class A may be graded mostly on tests while class B may be mostly on homework and even still class C may be a mix of both homework and tests. then other teachers like to throw artifacts such as attendance to skew the grade even more.
finally theres the problem of subjects that people just arent good at or dont care for because they provide little real world use. subjects such as history or soke more advanced english or math. these turn into something that a student is not only forced to attend and contribute to but also be judged on.
for a personal anecdote and one of ky sources of critisms, when I was a freshman in high school I was in an algebra class and aced both finals with the highest grade in the class while getting A's and B's on all of my tests. one thing I never did though was the homework (I turned in maybe two homework assignments the entire year). end of the year comes and I fail the class because I didnt turn in the homework and I had a habit of sleeping in the class.
to top off all of that there are teachers who just suck and/or dont get along with certain students. teachers who are condescending to soke students or try to keep students in class during lunch. its not a teachers job to punish kids in any way. if the student is disruptive to the class then they should dismiss the student from the class and have the school take care of problem students.
sure some teachers may teach for square pegs while others teach for round pegs but the students dont get the option of attending the class for round pegs instead of the square peg class. instead the student is thrown into a teachers class and has to conform to however that teacher wants to structure and grade the class. class A may be graded mostly on tests while class B may be mostly on homework and even still class C may be a mix of both homework and tests. then other teachers like to throw artifacts such as attendance to skew the grade even more.
finally theres the problem of subjects that people just arent good at or dont care for because they provide little real world use. subjects such as history or soke more advanced english or math. these turn into something that a student is not only forced to attend and contribute to but also be judged on.
for a personal anecdote and one of ky sources of critisms, when I was a freshman in high school I was in an algebra class and aced both finals with the highest grade in the class while getting A's and B's on all of my tests. one thing I never did though was the homework (I turned in maybe two homework assignments the entire year). end of the year comes and I fail the class because I didnt turn in the homework and I had a habit of sleeping in the class.
to top off all of that there are teachers who just suck and/or dont get along with certain students. teachers who are condescending to soke students or try to keep students in class during lunch. its not a teachers job to punish kids in any way. if the student is disruptive to the class then they should dismiss the student from the class and have the school take care of problem students.