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Ask HN: Require.js + CoffeeScript Smart Autocompletion
1 point by bumbu on Dec 28, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
In a project I'm working on we use Backbone + Marionette + Require.js written in CoffeeScript. I'm still using Sublime Text 3. I'm happy with it but I would love to have intelligent autocompletion for my objects. CodeIntel did not help.

For 2 days I was playing with WebStorm 9. They do support CoffeeScript and AMD modules, but I would say that this support is poor: - No idea how to annotate CoffeeScript - Almost all AMD loaded modules are not resolved by their indexer So WebStorm didn't help me much. Yes it has some heuristic algorithms and sometimes it may almost guess what you want to type (after 4-5 characters) but most of the time it proposes methods from node/js/dom...

So I was wondering if there are any other IDEs/texteditors/plugins/methods that would allow me to have autocompletion for AMD defined modules in CoffeeScript.


Tern.js is pretty solid and is compatible with a bunch of popular editors. Nothing in the IntelliJ family though. I have enjoyed working with it in SublimeText.


Thanks. I didn't know about this library. But as I see it has poor support for coffee https://github.com/marijnh/tern/issues/226

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