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Echoes of Jamie Zawinski "Cascade of Attention-Deficit Teenagers" software development model? (http://www.jwz.org/doc/cadt.html)

Not quite the same thing, but Google and company sure look to believe they have better things to do....

For me it seems that Google is trying to apply their web methodology (frequent small changes) to the mobile world, and running head first into the issue of not controlling the deployments (OEMs and carriers do).

But thanks for the CADT link, seems to sum up the line between old school nix and the more recent something-X attitudes.

In my experience, google has _never_ had good customer support/relations, unless you're currently paying google for the product.

heh. you must have some inside contacts of you get good support being a paying customer even...

Your post reminds me of how silly the way our society protects certain categories is.

"Attention-Deficit Teenegers" could be viewed as offensive to some, as it uses a medical diagnosis as a pejorative. Perhaps the author could argue that they are referring to typical teenage behavior, and not ADD, but that would to me be a completely ridiculous and artificial distinction.

So either we can't make fun of stereotypical teenage behavior (which is a slippery slope since about a lot of HN posts make fun of, or are directly hostile to, people in their early 20's) or have to admit that some medical categories are also things we can joke about.

Your post is a bit silly in that you're talking about bourgeois truth, when revolutionary truth is what governs the part of "society" you're referring to. Important person makes bad ethnic or medical condition jokes? No problem, he's advancing the causes of the "revolution". Desire to trash an adversary, or just revel in your SJW power to damage or destroy at a whim? Take something innocent like this and make a felony jaywalking case of it.

Thanks for getting it. Interesting how there are not replies other than downvotes, even though my post wasn't phrased in an inflammatory way.

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