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It's called – stutter edit.

> The stutter edit[1] is a musical production technique, most often known for its use in electronic music, in which fragments of audio are repeated in rhythmic intervals.

Electronic musician Brian Transeau (better known as 'BT') developed the "technique", coining the phrase, and later released it as a standalone plug-in.

[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stutter_edit

No, it's not. Repetition has been with music since the cavemen.

Stutter edit is just a particular technique in working with samples, and not even that important in itself.

No it's not. A stutter edit is about much shorter pieces, and notably not about repetition. I'm not sure where Wikipedia got that from. It's about adding little silent gaps to tracks.

Adding silent gaps is closer to fine stacatto or granular synthesis. Stutter edit is taking very short slices of samples and rhythmically rearranging them at a very fast rate.

I'll agree that what the article is talking about and the stutter edit are very different things though.

Did you even read the wikipedia page? Check out "Skylarking" and "Tomahawk" by BT for a good sample of what it sounds like.

that wikipedia page, not to put too fine a point on it, is complete bollocks and reads like a marketing script for the izotope plugin.

check out the date on this announcement:


this program was "old" and wasn't the first. ableton added beat repeat in 2005, and there was vst's i can't remember the name of that did it before that.

you've hit a nerve anyway, BT is easily my least favourite electronic music artist ever and so I am probably not capable of reasonable debate hereafter. i think he's possibly the most overrated producer in the world.

I can pull examples of sample mangling that fall under these definitions from, at least, somewhere around 1993-1995. Someone seriously is saying BT invented this shit?

yeah people are seriously saying it. read that wikipedia page, it's beyond ridiculous.

earliest i can think of is the aphex remix of flow coma and i'm not even trying.

> Electronic musician Brian Transeau[3] developed the "technique", coining the phrase, and later released it as a standalone plug-in. Until this point the majority of stutter edits were created through deliberate manual editing techniques rather than automated processes (such as the eponymous plug-in). The audio plugin is named "Stutter Edit" and was co-released by iZotope and Sonik Architects.[4]

it's not like izotope release a plugin in 2002 which does the same thing, oh wait it is:


"developed the technique" is such a weaselly phrase. did he develop the technique, or did he further develop a technique that already existed. to my understanding neither is true. he's a crap musician to boot.

Transeau found that software tools to accomplish this weren't readily available. So, he decided to develop his own, forming his own software company, Sonik Architects. And later Sonik Architects was acquired by iZotope.

It's like saying: "Columbus didn't discover America because it already existed" or "Newton didn't discovered 'Law of inertia' because it already existed".

> Transeau found that software tools to accomplish this weren't readily available.

he could have used google, but keep believing!

Hava a source for that?

I'm pretty sure stutter edit is just one particular techinque used in various kinds of music, no so much about the more general definition of what makes music (= repetition) as the original article states.

I cringed reading that. There were a lot of people using that technique long before BT. Max/Msp, csound, and many other programs allowed user to do this. Not to mention the old amiga scene trackers and old jungle artists with their "trackers".

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iiK4MgIPtI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fX4qoruQik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9BfB9HMWlc

It's a new technique (2011) that a certain sub-genre and neither software or the other artist made it back in past.

It was invented by BT and patented: https://www.google.com/patents/US8145496

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