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What I don't understand about the big retailers is why they haven't been doing something similar all along to compete with Amazon.

Amazon has been building warehouses all across the country near cities to reduce shipping times. But the retailers already have what amounts to hundreds of warehouses at every population center, plus the inventory management systems. Why haven't they put their inventories online and offered same day delivery to neutralize Amazon?

No kidding. The pizza delivery model would seem a no-brainer. You simply have a few employees who know where everything in the store is (and can probably fetch anything 10 times faster than a normal customer) and then batch them out to drivers. It seems like Walmart could service 100 million people this way (with their entire inventory) just like Domino's et al have been for decades.

It's so obvious that I'm guessing they've done the math and it doesn't work.

Amazon has their entire infrastructure focused on rapid delivery of small amounts of stuff to a customer.

Big retailers are focused on maintaining optimum levels of inventory at their big box stores all over the country.

It's a different problem.

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