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Programming Dynamic Models in Python (computationallegalstudies.com)
18 points by Anon84 on Oct 12, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Hey, that's my site! Thanks!

p.s. you might like this one on visualizing dynamic networks with movies - http://computationallegalstudies.com/2009/08/08/visualizing-...

That post was actually how I found your blog in the first place. I play a lot with networks and network visualization: http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/4895/resize364.png :)

That looks amazing!

If you don't mind my asking, what visualization library are you using?

Thanks! An earlier version made it into Science a few weeks ago: http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/325/5939/425

For this one we just use python matplotlib-basemap http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/Matplotlib/Maps Other libraries tools are used for other things (like uuorld.com for geographical based animations http://newsinfo.iu.edu/asset/page/normal/6919.html ), etc...

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