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And we all know here how much an idea is worth.

In Apple's case - about $200BN or more. Anyone could build an iPhone. The proliferation of other platforms (Android, Windows, Ubuntu, ...) proves it. However, nobody but Steve was thinking out of the box at that time. It was just an idea (with a brilliant execution, admittedly).

I give more credit to Jonathan Ive on restoring Apple's place in the industry than Jobs.

First touchscreen phone was the LG Prada, not the iPhone, fyi.

Modern design with multitouch and capacitive screen, perhaps. First touchscreen phone was the IBM Simon in the mid-90s, and my Kyocera 6035 was one of many Palm/phone hybrids that predated LG by years. There were also Symbian and Windows Mobile PDA/phones.

And it was an amazing phone executed so well that they couldn't keep it on the shelves. /s

Seriously. Are you that dense?

Are you? Where was the thinking outside the box exactly?

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