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I feel powerless over the ignorant political movement of people who, from my PoV, act like drones controlled by the media firing their ammunition and causing collateral damage. Be it Pro-/Contro Ukraine/Russia/America or Israel. We were good to each other, helpful and understanding and just because of a few leading politicians who can't go and fight each other on their own (without an army of soldiers dying for them), all of our lives shall suffer? I'm surely too blinded by the delusions of world-peace to come to grasp how people really are, but I hope to be misunderstanding before I give up my faith and let them destroy what we have build together.

I fear forums whom I enjoyed becoming places of distrust, hatred and battle space against the other political 'side'. Where admins and moderators use their given powers to torture the unwanted. I have only recently seen an Isreali woman marrying an Iranian man on television loving each other. And don't think that all people agree to what the politicians have to say.

We are better. If all fails, I still believe that: “Chaos often breeds life, while order breeds habit.” – Henry Adams Regarding 'Chaos' - this seem like a good read: http://www.halexandria.org/dward165.htm

Leading countries co-operate to limit capital-flow to Russia and this albeit sounding implausible to me, has direct influence on the economic liquidity. Implausible because I don't know how it would be possible for countries and companies to co-operate on such a scale on a capital market, where most notably personal profit leads the market over political decisions. I would be much more curious on which companies initiated the financial war and how they orchestrated their strategies, than the actual outcome, from the PoV of a mathematically and technologically fascinated guy.


Thank you for reading so far.

If Putin pulls back from Ukraine, they'll unroll the sanctions post haste. It's really not that hard.

The problem is $60 per barrel oil. Putin can't undo that.

> possible for countries and companies to co-operate on such a scale on a capital market

Simple. Heads of State get together and decide to what they want to happen. They have a whole range of levers to pull to manipulate markets.

> where most notably personal profit leads the market over political decisions

This is 100% wrong. I trade Forex daily and (a) political decisions drive the market and (b) we follow the market not drive it. Statements from say ECB, FOMC and reserve banks around the world etc all dictate what the currency markets will do.

Thank you. Didn't know that the trade market worked that way.

Why did this get downvoted?

Reads like some manifesto, internal wondering monologue, ending with the sanctions compared to some huge companies' orchestrated scheme "which companies initiated the financial war and how they orchestrated their strategies".

It just doesn't seem like an insightful comment.

I'm not sure, but I tried to counter it with an upvote. Maybe it seemed like you were criticizing HN readers for discussing Russia (are you?).

Thank you nitrogen. I wasn't criticizing HN or it's readers.

Tl;Dr: Simply put, I just felt powerless over the suspicion driven hunt for people who might imply that they belong to a party, a side an ideology, a religion, or whatever is the 'currently trending enemy' of the day. Thus I wanted to reflect my feelings on that, because it's something that's not said often enough.

--- For those who still can't put me into drawer: I don't belong to a religion, don't choose a political party or take any active position in current or past political movements.

I think it was a depressive moment, one where I realized that the war is not only out there and far from where I live, but here and now. That it affects all of us. And is most frustratingly causing a split in once finely cooperating individuals and an ersatz valve for undirected agony on the other side. I've read comments from people in different forums who attack each other for tangential comments. (I mostly lurk around and only enjoy reading interesting or insightful comments)

The increasingly restricting laws that take the freedom we took for granted is a side-effect of our wars in foreign countries, but it's also causing a heat up of anti-surveillance protesters who'd like to reduce the symptoms of the war that targets them.

I couldn't voice otherwise it may not be one of my most insightful comments. Maybe it was an neede. I'm sorry that it doesn't mean nothing for viraptor or byEngineer. That's all.

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