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The "Ask" toolbar is bundled with a lot of crapware. Could explain the inflated numbers. I doubt any Ask users don't know of Google - more like they don't know how to switch, or don't need/want to.

It it was so it wouldn't be a big problem, but in reality it is bundled even with supposedly respectable software:


I'm always suprised when I open a browser of some collegues/friends with even moderate computer literacy and see the amount of crap they let automatic installers shovel into their PCs, and how they are mostly not bothered by it.

I really don't understand why Oracle, a company that rakes in almost $40 billion a year, is begging for pocket change from Ask Jeeves. Someone please explain this to me.

It is there since Sun days, which wasn't raking anything. Also as a division, Java makes almost no revenue.

Isn't Ask Toolbar a sneak install [read fraudulent misrepresentation] with Adobe [PDF] Viewer?

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