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I wouldn't say the younger generation doesn't have baggage. As a young man I had a lot of fears I don't have now. I think the biggest advantage to being young is taking on risk, besides the obviousness of physical strength, stamina, truly original thought(which seems to evaporate in the end of your twenties?). So yes, as young man I took on risk; some out of naviete, some out dump luck, some because I truly thought it was a good idea. As a poor youth, I realized I couldn't screw up too much/or be too risky. My friends who had wealthy parents could afford to take on a lot more risk than me, or my poor friends. There lies the rub--most wealthy kids have so many more opportunities than poor, or middle class kids. I just can't leave the unseen advantage wealth brings to a string of people and their spawn. In the county I grew up in I can count on two hands the kids who went on to be millionaires. They were all from wealthy families. So yes, the young do supplant the "older one", but they usually had a lot of help. An example is our current Luitentant Governer(you can guess which state). I saw his family pick up one failure after another, and he just might be president of the United States one day?

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