this is code -> sql string -> exec -> code (mapping results)
best approach (ihmo) is using:
sql string -> exec -> results
with type for input/output directly generated sql string (and check for types)
like F# sql type provider ( )
[<Literal>] let query = " SELECT TOP(@TopN) FirstName, LastName, SalesYTD FROM Sales.vSalesPerson WHERE CountryRegionName = @regionName AND SalesYTD > @salesMoreThan ORDER BY SalesYTD " type SalesPersonQuery = SqlCommandProvider<query, connectionString> let cmd = new SalesPersonQuery() cmd.AsyncExecute(TopN = 3L, regionName = "United States", salesMoreThan = 1000000M) |> Async.RunSynchronously //output //seq // [("Pamela", "Ansman-Wolfe", 1352577.1325M); // ("David", "Campbell", 1573012.9383M); // ("Tete", "Mensa-Annan", 1576562.1966M)]
- without the need to define class for input / output
- without learn a new functions
- easy add database specific syntax
this is code -> sql string -> exec -> code (mapping results)
best approach (ihmo) is using:
sql string -> exec -> results
with type for input/output directly generated sql string (and check for types)
like F# sql type provider ( )
everything typed, but:- without the need to define class for input / output
- without learn a new functions
- easy add database specific syntax