I'd need to look into the code as I couldn't find a live demo to quickly noodle with, but my first thought was to add a border radius or some sort of blur filter to make it more spotlight-like? :)
About adding a border-radius, I'll love that feature, in fact I was thinking about implement it, but isn't as easy as it seems.
TLDR: Right now they are 4 divs for making the focus enable:
1- Fills the left part of the page.
2- Fills the top part of the page to the top part of the element.
3- Fills the bottom part of the element to the bottom part of the page.
4- Fills the right part of the page.
These divs are absolute positioned inside a wrapper that have disabled the pointer events to enable the interaction with the focused element.
So for that reason I can't simply add a border-radius for the active element.
Awesome, thanks. After you focus a non-header area, how do you get back to a normal state? Clicking around doesn't remove the black area, ESC doesn't either. Mac/Chrome.
Create a 5th div that exactly overlays the focussed element, and give the overlay an inset box-shadow. (You may need to pass through mouse events programmatically.)