I read this comment as sarcasm, but mozilla is dedicated to privacy rights. It would be helpful if you clarify what you actually mean.
Edit: After reading your history, I am astonished to see yahoo advocating strongly for online privacy. However, Yahoo is a profit oriented corporation, so I am naturally suspicious.
I think I'd rather Mozilla developed their own search engine since it's such an integral part of the Web now. Google search has immeasurable influence on web sites. As I see it it's as important as the layout/rendering engine in how we experience the web today. Mozilla using Yahoo's search engine is kind of like them using Opera's rendering engine. This is especially important as they now have a web-centric OS.
Right now search only pays if you do advertising. Mozilla's been using search ad revenue from Google and now Yahoo for revenue. If Mozilla gets into the search engine game they'll be getting in to the advertising game. And the advertising game is about serving up your users and what you know about them to the highest bidder.
Well they're showing ads on their newtab page. Also, they've been serving users to Google and now Yahoo search. So I'd say they've already crossed that bridge.
Great suggestion, but it would be very difficult and time consuming to do, no? Sure there are great tools to build on (Solr, Lucene) but Google and Yahoo have 15-20 year head starts on anything Mozilla starts building now.
It's not really a suggestion. I realize it's an expensive and far flung prospect for them to ever make a successful search engine. That still doesn't change the truth that without their own search engine they have to sit on the sidelines and let other companies grab influence over the development of the web and be in a better position to make web-centric products.
Adblock Plus to be bundled with Firefox in 5, 4, 3, 2…
Or, so I dream, anyway. But I’m sure that Yahoo is just as hungry for those tasty ad clicks (with their troublesome privacy implications) as Google is.