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In the meantime Google Compute Engine does not support IPv6.

Same with Amazon EC2 - they only support it on their load balancers

Many residential ISPs don't. I'm stuck on Verizon to enable IPv6 on FIOS.

Comcast in San Francisco supports native IPv6 on residential accounts. Even did it (almost) right and include a /60 prefix delegation.

For all the complaints against Comcast's network, they are really on it with IPv6.

Agreed. Comcast has terrible management, and unreliable (usually bad) customer support, but I've found that their network operations are very good (when they're not applying corporate anticompetitive policies); a couple of their top IPv6 people hang out on the Comcast forum on dslreports.com, and they really seem to care a lot about proper network management.

I've seen this as well! Amazing what happens when people care.

I am on IPv6-only (Kabel BW, Germany), IPv4 goes over DS-Lite.

Non of the major UK ISPs seem to be passed the planning stage and my mobile network seems to be using carrier grade NAT.

My ISP at home (Bahnhof) actually offers IPv6, I haven't asked them to activate it yet though.

I am also waiting on IPv6 support from MaxCDN.

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