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QEMU Advent Calendar 2014 (qemu-advent-calendar.org)
119 points by stevekemp on Dec 7, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments

Hi, I run the QEMU Advent Calendar and hope you enjoy the images that the QEMU community has put together for your holiday season enjoyment.

We still have a few slots free so if you have a cool disk image to contribute, get in touch! stefanha at gmail com

Rules: Must be freely distributable (e.g. open source). Small image size is appreciated.

I'm loving it, and I'm sure it's led to many happy conversations like this one: https://identi.ca/joeyh/note/-715nLEDSr2lhx3ZNQO1vw

Wow, this is really good stuff. I've seen advent calendars of other open source project, but this trumps them all, in my opinion. Congrats!


I love this kind of computer archaeology (for lack of a better term). Do you have any instructions on how to build the images from the ground up? Finding the right install images and packages for say, Debian 0.93 can be quite a challenge.

An early Debian image would be very cool. The Slackware 1.01 download is actually still available at http://mirrors.slackware.com/slackware/slackware-1.01/.

Gerd, who put together the image, had to find the right emulated hardware that the old kernel knows how to talk to. It doesn't know about PCI devices (!!) so only ISA devices will work :).

Is there an IRC channel I can hang out in for this project?

There hasn't been much conversation on the #qemu irc.oftc.net channel about the advent calendar, but that's the channel.

For the most part I send out an email to the QEMU mailing list before December and folks have been emailing me images: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2014-10/msg025...

Amazing, simply amazing.

Thanks, I've taken note of the link!

How bizarre that the Slack image is 30 MB (compressed!). I suppose it really is a full system. I'm sure there must be some of those old Linux images out there that managed to fit both the kernel and the initial ram disk on a single 1.44 MB floppy ?

Tom's rescue boot disk is what I remember as essential for system administrators for some time... http://www.toms.net/rb/ (1.7 MB floppy), but I can't find a working download.

But tux.org has "pocketlinux", which seems to be similar. http://www.tux.org/pub/distributions/tinylinux/pocket-linux/, with a 1.44MB download. (in Virtualbox add a Floppy controller, rename floppy image to ".img")

Here's a screenshot: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/1iF0BQtIdQ3hPXUAlwfpg9...

EDIT: OF COURSE I should have used Qemu for the screenshot: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/DPVXIuWlDKTSEan-5TY9xN...

Any chance you can add a RSS feed so we can follow the updates?


(Still populating the feed but you can already subscribe.)

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