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> Maven is a nightmare to use, it's so complicated I would generally not use it. I would just like a package manager which is only doing packages like any other language.

Before Maven, generally I remember there being Ant. And I remember that if an application needed dependencies, unless one explicitly used a dependency manager like ivy, one had to go find the jars and download them, and ensure they were on the class path. Ant was simpler, in the sense that if you wanted something to happen, you would create an ant target and instruct ant on what was going to happen.

Maven isn't simple in the same way, so it does require one to learn more about how it works in order for things to fit together, but I find it drastically simplifies working with java projects. The location of all dependencies are defined, they are downloaded, and there is default behaviour to be expected with each of the maven goals. Overridable properties enable one to have a build which works first time directly after checkout. I much prefer it to what was there before.

If we look at what has come since - sbt, gradle, and leiningen all seem to use a similar mechanism to Maven for dependencies.

sbt, gradle, and leiningen each bring a better syntax to build scripts, viz their respective programming languages. They each pitch the ability to drop out of their declarative syntax when needed, but from the samples I've seen of gradle and leiningen use in open source projects this facility is rarely used. I guess it's because replacing procedural build code with declarative was the reason projects bought into Ant and Maven in the first place. In my opinion Gradle would do well to replace its Groovy DSL with its own lightweight one with a similar DSL and let developers use Java lambdas to do any procedural customization if it's ever required, just like they removed virtually every line of Groovy from their codebase for Gradle 2.0.

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