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> I sincerely doubt that. I've seen E-Banking systems run on Jetty with JDBC directly. No fancy JSRs were needed.

If you need distributed transactions (and sure, most people who think they do don't), you use the fancy JSRs or you will go out of business. That stuff is hard and it's the reason JEE is so horrible, but it solves problems you can't solve any other way.

Yep. I understand the use cases of JavaEE's JSRs. Yet, I personally don't see why I should install a complete 300MB application server (possibly with horrific licensing) just because I happen to need one of their JSRs in just one part of the application (that happens to need JMS because the customer's CIO was walked into buying expensive licenses from IBM), which is otherwise mostly just transforming data between the UI and the database. It's just a JSR and I'm glad to buy licenses from a commercial JSR implementor...

Making technical decisions for non-technical reasons is always bad, whether that's a decision to use a particular technology or a decision not to use a particular technology. I think many users do derive value from having an all-in-one platform that provides all the JSR implementations they need and they can then just forget about.

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