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Agreed on question part.

Regarding IE itself: strongly disagree - marking most of new tech as "under consideration" is poor communication management at best - if they are not interested in sharing anything they should add another status. This is misleading.

We can have only so many statuses because it becomes difficult for even us to communicate in a meaningful way. "Under Consideration" means we're giving thought as to whether or not we will implement the feature, and when.

As for Web Components, we're actively discussing the related specs with other browser vendors, and trying to approach the topic as appropriately as is possible.

We certainly desire to be open and up-front; if you can identify ways in which we can improve our side of the discussion, we would love to know.

I think IE status page lacks some kind of info (in status item details) You could make it more clear for devs whether some tech has your real attention or your message is "this is ok but don't invest you time in it - we will not implement this in next 30 yrs"

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