802.15 WPAN - It's kinda stalled for some time.
And UWB really did get good press with some very promising features / performance back in the day.
If I remember they ended up using it in some system for firefighters that can 'see' through walls, and it might've been used for such a system in the army as well.
UWB is making steady progress in active tracking systems and passive tracking systems. I work for a company that does active tracking: http://pluslocation.com/.
PLUS is an offshoot of Time Domain, http://www.timedomain.com/. Time Domain does radar; I don't think they do any active tracking (could be wrong though). IIRC Time Domain is the company that did the see-through-walls system.
If I remember they ended up using it in some system for firefighters that can 'see' through walls, and it might've been used for such a system in the army as well.
But overall UWB didn't deliver on it's promise.