On the android side I use an app called blueterm once I connect. Its pretty boring, it just does its thing. I would imagine writing an app on the android side that does something useful and gets it on the tablet would be quite a challenge. So the BT link itself is not really the limiting factor.
Ironically in an article about programming devices, there is some weird funkiness with linux and various desktop environments and OSes such that its non trivial to wirelessly reprogram arduinos, something about toggling the DTR at the right speed and time, although the RX/TX work just fine.
I have no extensively experimented with range.
Looking at "radio shack type price markups" I think a DB-9 and hood and some cable would be a significant fraction of $20, its not like we're comparing a 5 cent solution to $20, more like $7 wired vs $20 bluetooth. On the other hand it bothers me a little to connect a $20 BT dongle to a $15 mini.
I assume you mean android and not microsoft phone or something.
I use these for BT with android and an arduino mini. And some other devices.
aka the famous $20 Bluefruit EZ-Link
On the android side I use an app called blueterm once I connect. Its pretty boring, it just does its thing. I would imagine writing an app on the android side that does something useful and gets it on the tablet would be quite a challenge. So the BT link itself is not really the limiting factor.
Ironically in an article about programming devices, there is some weird funkiness with linux and various desktop environments and OSes such that its non trivial to wirelessly reprogram arduinos, something about toggling the DTR at the right speed and time, although the RX/TX work just fine.
I have no extensively experimented with range.
Looking at "radio shack type price markups" I think a DB-9 and hood and some cable would be a significant fraction of $20, its not like we're comparing a 5 cent solution to $20, more like $7 wired vs $20 bluetooth. On the other hand it bothers me a little to connect a $20 BT dongle to a $15 mini.