It's fully compliant without the overreaching "desktop" metaphor that's so ingrained in other Smalltalk. GNU Smalltalk has a repl and is able to load files from disk and dump images; very Lispy features that breaks rank with the GUI-nature of most other STs.
You just have to get used to it. I find Squeak to be more powerful than GNU Smalltalk because it has integrated version control and is basically the most self-aware IDE there is. The GUI may look ugly but it's usable and I thought programmers didn't care much for beauty if the functionality was there ;)
Like I tell everyone who cares, if you want to start with Smalltalk and can't stand Squeak, give Dolphin a go if you are on Windows. There's a free version. (You might still want to come back to Squeak or Pharo later).
I find it quite fascinating that using "u" in place of "you" in this short, quick and simple to the point comment would cause such an issue to the HN conscientia.
If indeed you are calling out the style police on this and/or me then I feel it only fair for that i summon the snob police in return ;-)
Why use two extra characters when you can get away with one?I know this logic does not appeal to many, but must you not judge the post by its content and not by its language?I mean you know when he is saying "u" he means "you" and language is just a tool to make you understand his ideas, and when that is accomplished why bother about the extra two characters.
PS:- Funny thing is according to my above logic I wasted a whole post just to make you understand the not so great value of two extra characters
Because, first and foremost, it's aesthetically displeasing. Secondly, cutting out characters provides no gain to anyone, tangible or otherwise, unless you are just that concerned about the tenth of a second it will save you typing. Thirdly, language matters: for instance, inserting the word "fuckery" three or four times into most posts would leave them entirely understandable; that does not mean that people are obligated to support it. Similarly for 1337, which has the benefit of not being actually offensive, but rather making the speaker sound like they're six.
Content is important, of course, but atmosphere matters too (at least to some people).
Edit: For what it's worth, I didn't downvote the comment being discussed.
Well I dont think its the authors job to make it always aesthetically pleasing to everybody, he just wanted to convey his ideas and he did. I am not concerned about the tenth of a second I save by not typing y and o but the one second I do spend making "u" "you" again. The kind of short hand (or SMS) language is just the part of the authors habit. Has it became just so "aesthetically displeasing" to read "u" as the word and not alphabet?
As to the fuckery analogy I wanna say that it would not leave the post entirely understandable because you will have to still think if the word was actually part of the sentence or not?But I think (dont bother to deny it) that everybody who owns a mobile or had used internet would know simple things like "u" stands for "you","ur" stands for "your" and "bt" for "but". And if they dont its entirely possible to get that from context. But your fuckery example is just opposite.Nobody will "know" and will at least have contemplate as to whats the use of that word in the context.
For the 1337 point I wanna say two things. First if the author sounds like six but has a good or at least competent thing to say then whats the matter?You should just except the authors view and choice, also be scared by the fact that he is competent with you by the age of 6 and he would be surely outsmarting you when he reaches your age. Secondly I too dont like such 1337 language, but only when the spellings are so obscure that the reader may never even begin to understand what the word is. But again when someone rights "u" you can easily understand that he means "you" which is not the case when someone writes 1337 $|o3/-\|< |=/-\57 3|\|0U9|-| u </-\|\| 937 /-\ |0T 0F \/\//-\7 |7 5/-\5, 7|-|3|\| U c/-\|\| F|9uR3 0u7 \/\//-\7 u |\/||553o|.
I know to some people atmosphere is very important (like my college professors), but what dont understand is why these people dont understand that for some people it is not. To some people its just the content that matters the most (if you can understand it fully of course). If you expect people to respect your choice, why not first start to respect theres? Or like mahatma Gandhi once put it "You should be the change you want to see in the world". And here by change i mean respect for other people's choice.
PS:- I dont really care if you are down voting me or not, I am already having a rough day at the forum and I am actually eager to see if karma can go into negative or not.Nor do I expect a standing ovation to this post but this is exactly I feel in 500 words.
Edit: Now I officially Know that karma can go into negative, but I would like that people who down vote may just give me a reason as to why they did it
Because you're being a jerk. Just abide by the stylistic rules of the community and you'll be fine. When you're called out, fix it. Don't start a pissing war over something trivial. Especially because you'll never win here with that attitude.
who said anything about a war or winning anything?Is stating your opinion about something been called being a jerk these days?Have we been so caught up in being a "Stylist community" that we care so much about style that anyone against it is now "starting a pissing war", "being a jerk" or "trying to win here"?
If thats so then I am fine with my negative karma and "attitude". I really hoped this community to be above such trivial matters or at least try to look at it from a different view point. But NO, even you are too busy with your "style",you dont care to look about anyone who does not think like you. Then I am again compelled to comprehend that this is another mob, which has no right to say they are different from others. But I am going to stay here, just because I care about the content this mob develops not the "atmosphere". I am gonna be happy with a negative karma point here. Because I believe in whatever I say and whatever I feel is right. And there is not a thing you can do to shut me up to stop me saying that.
If you look at it closely my responses are replys to specific posts. I am not against being downvoted. To me it just proves that people are not buying my view, and that I am totally different. Which is good, in a way.
Also to you this may be a pointless meta-meta-discussion but I take it upon myself to reply to people who have something to say about my views.
Anyway, here's the thing about "relaying ideas". Nobody will be able to receive them if your message is garbled by incorrect spelling or style. Your idea might be good, but if nobody can understand it, nobody will ever know about it.
Stick to standard English and you should be fine. If you want to do something like not use words with "e" in them, that is also fine. But spelling "you" as "u" just makes you look illiterate, and ideas from illiterates are usually not well-received.
Not to be negative but why the perception that someone spelling "you" as "u" is illiterate?
Also if you look at my all posts I personally use the full form and correct spellings (thanks spell checks) of words. My movement was not just limited to the use of incorrect spellings but also HN not excepting any idea other than their own. It makes it look like fashion where the real review are done by only people in Milan or New York, for the rest these reviews are just copied and translated.
It makes it look like fashion where the real review are done by only people in Milan or New York, for the rest these reviews are just copied and translated.
there are several themes including the standard squeak one. aqua look is just a theme, it isnt using native widgets. if you wanted a different look and feel you could implement.
Last I checked (a few years ago admittedly) GNU Smalltalk didn't include line numbers in error messages, which made it hardly usable for anything > 300 lines. Does anyone know whether it changed?