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Ask HN: As a developer, should I care about the systemd controversy or not?
7 points by Iuz on Nov 14, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
Self-explanatory, being a java and python dev is there any way in which systemd is going to affect me negatively or is the init system irrelevant for me?

If you'd have any contact with init system, or one of services systemd integrates, you'd definitely know what you need from it, so apparently you don't. Systemd will integrate many things that were not integrated before, but that's opaque for app developers. If you write any kind of daemon that starts with the system, you may want to add systemd config file defining how to start your app, but that's probably where your contant with systemd will end.

Well, it's possible if you're somewhat interested in linux in general.

I'm a webdeveloper, mainly doing php, and I found a use case for php-fpm and systemd thanks to a blogpost of a friend. Its php-fpm pools ondemand, if you're interested I've written a blogpost about it here: http://thanatos.be/2014/04/12/php-fpm-ondemand.html

I guess It all depends on what your goal is or what you like achieving with your code, but imho systemd has some nice features for developers (and doing fun stuff in general). Also have a look at Joey Hess his blogpost about his systemd alarmclock: http://joeyh.name/blog/entry/a_programmable_alarm_clock_usin...

Unless you find yourself interacting with it on a frequent basis probably not.

Basically don't bother. Init system isn't really irrelevant to you, but if you aren't already involved in the debate, then you likely aren't too concerned are you?

At this point in time, no.

If any of the runtimes that you use decide to start adding a systemd dependency, though, then you need to start paying attention.

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