Replace "level playing field" with "low barrier to entry". Basicay I think that the markets should be distorted to a small extent to create a "free layer" for people and companies to get started and have safety nets etc.
The problem is that its simply not possible, there will never be a "low barrier to entry" into the space industry, or the airplane industry or many other industrys. The amount of investment required is just to high.
I know why people want it, and I think generally that the basic idea is not bad. However the idea that we can controll all markets to achive this goal is just not relistic. This kind of thing was tried in "indian socialism" were they would have permits for every market to controll how many firms operated in each market.
All you need is effective banking and low regulatory burden. A safty net is of course nice, but Im not sure I would put it into "low barrier to entry" category.