The meaning of "lambda" in computer science is functionally (no pun intended) similar enough to what amazon is selling that people learning programming and nontechnicals or even IT pros who work with programmers will inevitably be confused.
It seems like you're seriously saying that people who are studying computer science lack the ability to tell the difference.
Naming the product something that closely resembles its functionality seems like a great idea for a product. It's still Amazon Lambda, and I think it's very unlikely that people will simply refer to it as "Lambda." If CS students find themselves hopelessly confused by this product name, they are going to have a real hard time tying their own shoes.
If you search for Y Combinator, luckily, still shows up on the first page of results, I expect the same will be true for Lambda, so I can confidently say we won't lose a generation of CS students to this faux pas.
I'm not arguing they will not be able to tell the difference... I'm arguing it will cause confusion at some point, and maybe that's a negative externality of naming this product "Lambda." Nobody said "lose a generation of CS students."
And, as I've noticed in the past, searching for "y combinator" + any language name will often keep useful results away until you finally block this site. I'm not sure if this is still comprehensively true, but it seemed so to me at one point. So there is a very real impact on search results that can happen.
I was being overly sarcastic there, sorry about that. I just don't think this will ever be a problem for people, if anything Amazon adopting it may help people learn more about it, all the same, I guess it could go either way, I'll quiz some candidates in a few years to see if they ran into Lambda as a stumbling point :)