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After a previous failure, my co-founder (and co-brother) and I are moving to the bay area this month, from LA. We're keeping our expenses low and plan to drive for Uber part-time as a way of avoiding day jobs.

Even though I'm married and have a newborn, we're sharing a place and living like (healthy) college students. We've both turned down huge salaries to work together indefinitely.

I love creating products for people. I love solving problems and I love writing code. The stress of a startup feels like a small price to pay to create something great. And I really want to create something great.

Doing a startup with a sibling, that's always intrigued me. I've thought about talking to my brother about it a few times. Just feels like it might be incurring too much risk to the personal relationship. What is your experience of that aspect of doing a startup like?

Kudos got knowing what you want and going for it.

I have a lot of siblings, so I know it wouldn't in most cases. But with my brother it's working great. Knowing each other so well makes it easy to cut to the truth of things. And there's a level of trust that simplifies issues that can otherwise be difficult.

I'm in a startup with my brother. I would say it depends on the type of relationship you have with your brother, we can resolve various issues easily and quickly.

We think alike most of the time and if not, we know how to resolve it due to living with each other for a long time. That being said, we do have different roles and only certain parts of the startup are worked on together (frontend app etc..).

Clear and concise responsibilities are what is going to help the most. If you are competitive, you are usually the most competitive with your own blood, which can get messy if you fight over the same thing.

I funded my brother's business and would do it again in a heartbeat. It's a huge advantage to truly know the character of a potential business partner before you even start.

I know we could both laugh/cry it off together if he lost every cent. Others may doubt whether that's really true, but I have my own evidence.

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