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Google Blacklist – Words That Google Instant Doesn't Like (2010) (2600.com)
110 points by christianbryant on Nov 8, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 36 comments

This doesn't really bug me since, frankly, autocomplete is just a convenient extra.

But just to use this as a soapbox two things that DO bug me:

- Android's keyboards REFUSES to type "rude" (by American standards) words in a super buggy way. There is a setting called "Block offensive words" that as far as I can tell does absolutely nothing (they're blocked regardless). You first need to uncheck that, THEN add them one by one to your custom dictionary, and only then it might SOMETIMES type "fuck" instead of "duck." But be careful to add "Fuck" and "fuck" to your dictionary as these are different bad words (based on capitalisation, as is "FUCK").

- Autocomplete is accepts suggestions without prompting, thus giving you things you never asked for. This presents in two ways, in Chrome you are just given it in the line and have to backspace before enter to clear, and in IE if the mouse happens to be positioned over an autocomplete option even before that option appeared, when you hit enter it will select that (helpful!).

The inability to swipe offensive words when the setting is disabled is a bug. I can't give details, but the fix isn't easy and is being worked on.

It won't accept "cock" or "suck", not together as in "cocksucker" but in isolation. It goes with "stuck" or "such" when I try to swipe "suck", and "chock" or "chick" instead of "cock". Thing is, these are not offensive words - they're just part of the English language. Other things get sucked apart from cocks. Quite a bug.

weird I have no problem with cocksucker. All I did was type it once, select it from the the available words/auto-complete section, then went back and tried to swipe cocksucker and had no issue.

There seems to be a difference between typing and swiping. If I peck it out one character at a time, no problem.

Interesting I have no issue swiping it. If i peck it in once then add it in the dictionary I can then swipe it.

you just need to add them into your library once, either in setting or by first typing the word and then selection it from the auto-complete section and you will be able to swipe any offensive word you'd like. the f* word was pissing me off so much and that seems to work just fine.

I got so pissed that I just decided not to do anything about it - hopefully people will get that duck is now an offensive word.

We keep at this long enough and every word is a swear word - and the devs can duck themselves.

How far political correctness has taken us. The 'seven dirty words', but instead of not being able to say them on television we're now not even able to text them. Next up, a filter that will replace your audio so that when you want to say 'fuck' it will say 'duck'.

Small anecdote from (very politically correct) Canada: my son came to Canada without speaking English very well. A bunch of kids in school decided to take advantage of this and told him to say 'fuck'. He did and then they ran off to the teacher saying the new kid had said 'fuck'. (Which was technically true...). So the head master of the school calls me to talk to me about my kids language and that he'd used the 'f-word'. I didn't get what he meant. So he kept on dancing around it until after 30 minutes or so he finally managed to spell it out (not say it). Incredible.

The 'seven dirty words', but instead of not being able to say them on television we're now not even able to text them.

You can text them. Just not auto-complete them.

The irony is that for german, it will block the equivalents of the "seven dirty words" with the same ferociousness, but at the same time will happily misinterpret swipes as the names of former Nazi officials which are often considered a lot more offensive around here.

Windows phone is wonderful for those of us with a potty mouth. It completes the big ones right up:


Even in swype mode.

I kinda like the hilarious autocorrects to "Oh, duck it!" or "I'm stuck in ducking traffic" or "Well duck, that sucks."

Words mean whatever I ducking want them to mean.

This is why I never understood the reasoning behind the "sed s///" school of language censoring. Everyone who ... I don't know ... has actual conversations with other human beings should know that language is highly dynamic and context the pendant. Words take on - or lose - meanings all the time when the circumstances require it and all participants know what is talked about. Completely harmless words can morph into horrifying expletives over there course of just a few years if it's necessary - see "slut" or "douche". Forbidding certain combinations of letters does - if it does anything - only quicken that process. I do wonder how man many layers of dilbertesque organization you need for that idea to make sense.

I've never had that issue with Swype. It doesn't come with profanity words in the dictionary, but once add it'll readily output them.

Last time I mentioned this I probably got ad-words and ad-sense mixed up, but a bunch of people offered to help and send bug reports to the right place.

Here's an image of me trying to send feedback to adwords and it rejecting my real name: http://imgur.com/HdwxGd7

I usually think it's funny when this happens, unless it's a hospital delaying blood test results.

(The feedback was sorted a few days later so they didn't need my report.)

In case you haven't found a way around those ridiculous validations, try adding arbitrary dots ( . ) in the middle of the "offensive" part. Gmail will deliver any dotted version of your own username into your own inbox as normal.

Let's hope their search correction mechanisms are better than this. On second thought, never mind.

A friend and I share the same first and last name, and for a long time the first instant suggestion for our name was "[name] sex offender" (because of another person with the same first and last).

My friend lobbied with google for a long time, and surprisingly they ended up disabling all suggestions for our name. I'm not sure if we were added to the Blacklist or if google has some other mechanism for this situation, but I was pleasantly surprised. It's good to see that google will implement this for non-famous people as well.

This keeps grandma from accidentally stumbling onto something offensive by mistyping one character.

For example, they stop autocompleting on the word cuckoLd at the letter "L". That happens to be the point at which it diverges from the word cuckoo. I know I wouldn't want to be searching for a cuckoo clock, mistype one letter, and suddenly have a bunch of stuff about adultery on my screen (or worse, a bunch of x-rated images).

This was probably obsoleted by Safe Search.

Google Instant is much more recent than Safe Search.

All I got from this is Bill is really into butt stuff. It's not as though Google is actually preventing these topics from being discovered or censoring their existence, but rather Google doesn't want to be an enabler for anyone searching potentially controversial topics. I get it. I think though that they may be overreaching with some terms, though I'm sure it's all automated so those results are censored based on the content people are typically looking for when conducting those searches.

There's a similar list (or was in 2010/11) for Google developed web apps. It's all the obvious things, plus a lot of seemingly non-offensive things which 4chan invented - eg, mudkips, leeroy jenkins, pool is closed, etc.

It's been a while since I looked at this article. What are your updates to this classic list? And, what terms have you searched for lately that raised suspect results; not blacklisted terms, but terms that you would have expected a whole other set of results for? While many of these are fairly banal and humorous, there are expectations of Google search users when doing serious research on human rights issues or political and big business wrong-doing that they are resulted current and relevant data. Share your anecdotes...

If you started typing certain celebrities' names, Instant would inform you that a bunch of people were curious if that celebrity was gay. I haven't seen it do that in a while now, though. I have seen other weirdly suppressed things as well, it kind of concerns me that somebody somewhere is exercising invisible but principled editorial control over these things.

I wonder if this list can be produced programmatically. I.e., a script that enters words in the search bar, looks at the result when pressing enter, and compares with the instant-search result. Then it could look for phrases of more words, etc.

Note: you'd probably need either a lot of time or a botnet to run this script without getting blacklisted :)

The "anal" blacklisting has saved me from many embarrassing moments at work - as I shorthand it all the time to get to Google Analytics

I just hope they don't sniff my searches, as I google 'anal' and 'face' most every day.

ball sack, ball kicking, ball gravy. These are the first ones I tried because I thought they looked suspect. Google does return suggestions for these, so not blacklisted. There must be several more false positives in this list if the first ones I tried were wrong.

edit: Oh, this was last updated in 2010... nevermind then.

I noted earlier that this is an older article and I'm curious to hear what the experience today is. Again, a lot of this is lowbrow, but I do hear from time to time anecdotes of what seem to be serious rejections of certain search term combinations, whether it be related to Google product exploit searches, or key stories on hacktivist activities targeted at Google or Google partners. I have yet to experience this myself, and seeing this old article got me curious what is being experience in the here-and-now.

the claims are very misleading and unclear. almost everything returns nothing in google instant. try "horse", "house", "mitch". All return no instant results for me. Perhaps I am missing something but this article appears to be blowing things out of proportion.

Similarly MS Word's spell checker will accept many common swear words, but will not suggest them.

Mmmh... Not getting a whole lot of hits on the blacklist. Even when searching for analog stuff.

Is this referring to autosuggest or where the search results are shown below as you type?

I Really wish they would add "C String" to that list.

A ton of these worked for me.

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