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Portrait of the Hilbert Curve (2010) (corte.si)
64 points by jgrodziski on Nov 8, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I once had the idea to use space-filling curves to speed up CPU image convolutions by increasing the probability that 2D-adjacent pixels would be 1D-adjacent, and hopefully get loaded in the same cache line. IIRC the effect was measurable but not large enough to be worthwhile.

Aldo's project is awesome. I remember reading this a few years back and was really curious to see what would happen if you plotted color spaces other than RGB on a Hilbert Curve. Plotting colors in YIQ and HSV spaces turns out to be really fascinating.


There are several images of this sort on http://allrgb.com, which collects square images that have precisely one pixel of each of the 2^24 RGB colours.

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