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Building a simple VGA-adapter for an 8-bit self made computer (tldr.fi)
134 points by Arjuna on Nov 6, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

One of the fun 'first' projects in most FPGA classes is building a simple VGA display. What is interesting is that a period specific graphics display for the Z80 would probably be something like Cromemco Dazzler[1] with its 32 x 32 pixel color display, or the Super Dazzler.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cromemco_Dazzler -- yes I owned one of these boards at one time :-)

Cromemco and the Dazzler was the pieces of hardware that were the basis for most of the local news weather graphics that were seen on TV in the 80s.

At this time, unfortunately, I think we may have hammered the server. I'm seeing, "Error establishing a database connection."

Here's the "Text-only version" from Google's cache:


Here's the "Full version" (i.e., with images) from Google's cache:


Shame it doesn't actually cache the images. Really interested to see what this one looks like.

You can generate TV signals in software on an Arduino: http://blog.jgc.org/2011/05/playing-pong-on-pair-of-candy-ca...

Linus Akesson ('lft') is probably one of the hackers I admire the most. In a few years he went from a sound-only demo on an ATmega [1], via generating VGA [2] and PAL [3] video demos on the same platform up to implementing custom digital logic including a processor and shader-based graphics accelerator on an FPGA [4].

At the same time, he is a really talented musician, and uses his hardware knowledge to augment [5] and build [6] custom instruments.

He just keeps churning out concentrated awesomeness and hackery.

[1] - http://www.linusakesson.net/hardware/chiptune.php

[2] - http://www.linusakesson.net/scene/craft/

[3] - http://www.linusakesson.net/scene/phasor/

[4] - http://www.linusakesson.net/scene/parallelogram/

[5] - http://www.linusakesson.net/chipophone/

[6] - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NV6IFOVY-go

He's certainly the real deal.

Similarly, on the ATMega, the UzeBox http://belogic.com/uzebox/index.asp

If you're interested in homemade computers blondihacks has a whole series of articles on making one from design straight through to completion:


I've actually been thinking about doing exactly this for a 68K-based computer I'm building. This will be a big help! Awesome project.

I love "labor of love" projects like these. Thanks for sharing.

I think the site may have been hosted on an 8-bit homemade computer :)

Awesome, I want to try this on a Spartan 6.

Very nice! Would be a great project for an FPGA also, wouldn't need all of these wires :P

Neat! Would a 1-bit computer be 8 times easier?

No, it would be 8 times harder.

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