You can also take advantage of all the great bonuses of revisions and then before sending the document just copy/paste the content into a new document that doesn't include the revisions. That seems sensible too.
Does sound like a very fragile workflow (there's no reasonable way to tell a full-history doc from a "publish grade" doc by glancing at the file on the filesystem.
Keeping everything in proper version control (possibly unzipped, to give usable diffs even for office document formats -- or in something like markdown) -- would at least rise the bar a bit -- there'd be different process for sending a single version of a file, and sending all versions of (all) [a] file(s).
I suppose if you're already running an internal mail server, you could just do filtering there, making sure no version/history-rich documents pass out that way...
Yes, I know about this, and thank you for reminding me, but in the end, I just don't trust software.
I really do like old school and I stick with it. I write most of my docs as text in either vi or nano. I neither want nor need formatting beyond the basics. My CV is the only document I own that has formatting, and I used LibreOffice for it. It's a single page.
I try my best to break people of that awful habit. I also find that I'm usually happy enough dealing only with people who can manage to open a pdf (or any other non-proprietary format).
Yes. I hate receiving documents in .docx or any other proprietary format, especially if I have not agreed to that format prior to receiving them. I like plain text if at all possible. I'll happily receive PDFs because I can view them under Linux/BSD, but others piss me off. People THINK MS Word is the de facto business standard. It isn't. Text and PDF are the standards. Never had issues with either.
I had a friend tell me my CV should be in PDF and locked down to prevent recruiters and others from changing it to something other than the original. I know recruiters are fond of changing things up without informing you.
You can "print" the text file to a pdf for your CV and get the best of both worlds. My department only allows pdf uploads for CVs, so that's my approach.