Wow, the progress on this looks great. The layout/resize behavior looked at least 30fps, maybe 60fps, in any case, it looked like layout was substantially faster than either Blink or Gecko today.
Bear in mind that the more you implement of the HTML5/CSS specs the slower things get. But the feeling of the team (many of whom have experience on Gecko or Webkit) is that even with that taken into account the performance and power consumption improvements will still be significant. They have gained a great deal from all the experience with last generation of layout engines.
Agreed. And the fact that some of the components could be incrementally incorporated back to Gecko as libraries would also be a big win for the security of Firefox, even if the possibility of using Servo in its entirety is a long way off (if it ever happens).
I have been saying that about programming languages since the early 90's, but we needed to have connected software everywhere for people to start paying attention.