mmh... something is wrong tough. I always thought of a unix pipe as a conduct. The word "pipe" in french is correct for the smoking item (and also to describe a sexual act) but it does not refer to a conduct.
The conduct you call a pipe in english is a "tuyau" in french.
Right. To pipe something is to use it as a conduit. A pipe is a tube for piping fluids. A pipe is also a typographic character: |
The pipe character is used to indicate that the output of process A is piped to process B. I guess it's a pun. My apologies for horribly overexplaining.
I hate to look really amateurish, and please correct me if this is irrelevant to the thread, but would the following python code equal to the amount of money received if each shirt was sold for one design?
(It's python, and I'm very new to programming. Criticism is welcome.)
a,b = 1,1
while a <= 100:
a = a + 1
b = b + a
I knew of the shortcut to increment a variable, but I had no idea you didn't have to declare one for a loop. I also didn't not know of xrange, I will have to look that one up.
you could use a list comprehension to do the same thing:
print sum([x for x in xrange(101)])
although the n(n+1)/2 is probably the best, I'd just like to point that out because I wish someone would have pointed out list comprehensions to me earlier :)