Pretty much. Though, compared with how corporations are fucking over little people left and right, it's hardly unwarranted.
This is not an unfamiliar story. There are people who did everything right, were kind and philanthropic their entire life, more than they should have been probably, but they find their whole lives suddenly ruined with just one accident. There are supposed to be certain trade-offs in a society, when one agreed to a social contract that they'll be nice to everyone, be law-abiding, pay their taxes which in part fund medical research, fund creation of roads and infrastructure that enable corporations to function and rake in money, etc., they expected for the system to be there for them in return when they had a time of sudden misfortune. If it's not there, I say fuck it, this is then time they also stop playing nice.
The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread. - Anatole France