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The switch to tabs for me came after I started using vimperator/pentadactyl in my web browser, which I find glorious. (Sorry no links, on mobile)

I used "lusty juggler" before but 'gt' is a very natural way for me to "go tab" now and I like it better. Macvim makes it trivial for me to arrange tabs in a consistent order, for example html file to the left of its js file. The tabs also give me a kind of quick view of what my current "project space" is.

Two tab-y things that I find useful are:

* alias "vi -p" (to open files in tabs)

* "vi --remote-tab" (to add a file to an existing session in a new tab from the command line)

Part of why I like tabs may be because I don't do split windows often in vim. When I want to have two files side-by-side I use my os window manager (CMD+right to move current window to right side of screen, etc).

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