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Ah, yes, stereotyping. It's OK When We Do It, right?

Here's an idea: I'll use whatever words I want, and so will you, and we won't even ask about each others' race or gender. Because it just shouldn't matter.

It shouldn't matter, but it does. People without experience of marginalization are frequently unsympathetic to those who are. And people who are privileged often act in ways that maintain that privilege, even when they claim their conscious motives are unrelated.

Experience shapes ideas. Ideas are tested through experience. If you refuse to examine the things that shape your experience, some of your ideas will inevitably be poor.

Experience shapes ideas. Ideas are tested through experience. If you refuse to examine the things that shape your experience, some of your ideas will inevitably be poor.

Any racist will, of course, tell me exactly the same thing.

Will they? That's exciting.

How many racists have told you that you should pay deep attention to your life experience and consider how it differs from that of others? Could you name some of them?

I've read a bunch of pro-slavery literature from the civil war era, and also a bunch of modern white supremacist kook literature. I have to say, empathy and consideration for people from different backgrounds was not the major theme you say it was.

But hey, if I can't trust some anonymous goof, who can I trust? So I'm sure you're right.

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