I don't think that would work in this case, because there is no way to bind a PHP array to an SQL tuple. Available param types includes string , int , bool but no array or tuple type.
You can write "SELECT calories FROM fruit WHERE name IN (? , ?, ?)" and then bind the parameters as strings but this will only work in cases where the length of the tuple is known and fixed. If you need to allow for a variable length tuple then you will need to concatenate the query string yourself.
Then what do you do if the passed tuple has zero length?
Dynamically rewriting the SQL isn't going to be tractable in all cases - doing `IN (NULL)` might be a valid value - and throwing an exception is poor form for an actually valid case.
You need to count the array at runtime and convert to a tuple, the only way this can be done using PDO (AFAIK) is by appending the tuple to the string itself because PDO provides no tuple type.
You can write "SELECT calories FROM fruit WHERE name IN (? , ?, ?)" and then bind the parameters as strings but this will only work in cases where the length of the tuple is known and fixed. If you need to allow for a variable length tuple then you will need to concatenate the query string yourself.