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Apologize if this is a dumb question but is the point here to make a language that's somewhat analogous to a stenographer typewriter or a Dvorak keyboard or something? In other words, you can write out new code in Jisp, then hit the compile button and it compiles to JS and you paste that into Sublime Text and you have thereby saved time?

Well if we want to get technical that's how every compiler works, except the stenographer is writing 0s and 1s instead of JS. Writing C saves you time over writing machine code, that's what a programming language is supposed to do. They make it easier for a human to give instructions to a computer.

Usually the compilation is automatic, but you've got the gist of how it works. Saving time isn't usually the main point of these compile-to languages. They usually do something better than the underlying language. In this case, it's the goal is probably more uniform syntax.

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