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Org-mode 6.31 released, now programmable with multiple languages (gmane.org)
31 points by keyist on Sept 30, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Looks like the already insanely good Org-mode has got a bit better. I'm always amazed at the incredible pace of Org-mode development.

The link to MobileOrg (http://mobileorg.ncogni.to/) is what really got my attention though, Org-mode on the iPhone!! But no mention of how to get it and I don't see it on the App Store? Anyone know anything about when it might be out and if it'll be available to non-jailbroken phones?

EDIT: This answers my question http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/17862 It's in Beta test right now, I've just emailed to ask if I can join the Beta...

Here's the link to the org-babel documentation:


Skimming, it appears to be the one ring of literate programming. Finally I can write a paper which includes R, python, and haskell code with latex markup and org-mode's nice tables and hierarchies.

Might well be the ultimate paper writing tool for academics -- a superset of literate Haskell, python.sty, and Sweave.

Some really exciting features in here, I really need to use org-mode more. Is org-babel a kind of literate programming environment?

It can be, among other things. I'm just experimenting with it now by writing a literate PIC Assembly program in it. I've got circuit diagrams in DITAA, textual design stuff and the ASM source itself all in one file. So far so good...

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