True. In retrospect, trying to make the Scala transducer type look like Haskell and then hacking into working order was didn't do justice to either language. As I sort of note in the text, the attempt to do it this way was at least partially meant to be "amusing."
This is interesting, but it's still missing some very important features of transducers. As you alluded, stateful operations [1] won't work at all in your Haskell model. Also, you've missed early termination [2], which Rich's talk [3] covered well.
data Fold i o = forall st . Fold
{ merge :: st -> i -> st
, this :: st
, view :: st -> o
type (i ~> o) = forall r . Fold o r -> Fold i r
-- compare
type Trans i o = forall r . (r -> o -> r) -> (r -> i -> r)
Now each "step" has local pure state and no other step can break abstraction barriers and view it. This also gives you all of the effects of the indexed state passing Rich called untypeable.
Fold is equivalent to an infinite state Moore machine, so a stack of composed transducers applied to a base Moore machine which produces whatever result you want can be compiled a really efficient form.
Early termination can be done by changing `merge` to `merge :: st -> i -> Either o st`.
That's like saying "your program is more elegant if it has no monads". It's an incorrect statement. The monadic version is perfectly elegant. Even better: it's the right one.
There's more missing than that, but, in the spirit of early termination, I had to stop somewhere! Specifically to your points:
1. To preempt the faithful: Stateful transducers don't work (for a broad definition of work) in Clojure or Scala either. It's just that there's no tradition of acknowledging state via type in those languages.
2. Early termination is weird. In Clojure it's a property of the accumulated reduction value, i.e. not the transducer, the reducing function or the reducer/collection. I'm not sure yet whether to try modeling this via type or to try sticking it somewhere else.
3. Rich's talk is great. Also, it's been transcribed: