Fusion is cool, but fission is easy and if used on Thorium in LFTRs[1], would provide us with virtually unlimited, passively safe energy that leaves extremely little waste.
Unfortunately it falls under the 'nuclear' umbrella and thus carries with it all of the baggage associated with that.
You know that California already drains water from the entire Colorado river basin, the Owen Valley, and numerous other sources. No way a state is going to just let California's appetite for clean water drain yet more rivers.
Unfortunately it falls under the 'nuclear' umbrella and thus carries with it all of the baggage associated with that.
5 minute elevator pitch for the LFTR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK367T7h6ZY
Failing that, I don't understand why we can't just connect a pipe (like we do with oil) from one of our water rich states to CA.
But for whatever reason the state doesn't seem to be even considering any engineering solutions to the problem.
[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_fluoride_thorium_reactor