Documentation is 1000x above anything else. This includes sample project(s).
Documentation is without question the deciding factor of whether I'll use a service.
Besides that, I care about support channels, adherence to standards (i.e. correct HTTP status codes), and as few hoops as possible to jump through to start (i.e. a curl command to get my auth key, and away I go)
Very true, but it needs to be a specific type of documentation - namely something that explains how to use the API rather than what the API endpoints are. By sitting down and writing about what's needed to get the most out of the API, as well as writing extensive code examples, you're forced to think about how people are going to use the API. Any problems, quirks or bugs should be obvious at that point because you're using the API as it'll be used by other developers. Simply listing the endpoints with what parameters they need and things they'll return won't make your API better.
How much documentation did you get, when you got your Mercedes Car. The stress on Documentation is a little overrated in my humble opinion. If the Tools are made intuitive and the API is made as a natural way of thinking and progression of the state of the Message, The API speaks for itself, and the Developers engagement would be at its peak. If you have to read a Documentation before applying your Brakes on a car, you might as well be too late. Adherence to Standards and not letting unexpected happen and get out of the way of the developers work process is the way to go.
Having said that, If you are on the leading edge of software which no one has attempted before, or trying to create a Market, Thats when your Documentation would explain those edge cases better to gain appreciation of your point of view.
Documentation is without question the deciding factor of whether I'll use a service.
Besides that, I care about support channels, adherence to standards (i.e. correct HTTP status codes), and as few hoops as possible to jump through to start (i.e. a curl command to get my auth key, and away I go)