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Awesome React – A collection of React resources (github.com/enaqx)
183 points by brbcoding on Oct 27, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

After looking at the PR merging rate, I make the assumption that the maintainer doesn't even look at the resources before they are listed in this "Awesome" list. This should rather be called "Big list of everything in React".

Something I would rather enjoy, would be a carefully, curated list of verified great resources for React, not a random list of everything React.

Indeed. Facebook's own "Complementary Tools" [1] page is more digestible.

[1] https://github.com/facebook/react/wiki/Complementary-Tools

Actually you are right. Official React Wiki is much better. Thanks for promoting this repo though. I have made this list for my own reference while learning React and its ecosystem. In case you think some resources are not awesome just pull request and I will delete them or fork and make your own.

> Something I would rather enjoy, would be a carefully, curated list of verified great resources for React, not a random list of everything React.

Discovery is a problem for users and also for authors. I wrote a form library https://github.com/gcanti/tcomb-form but I really don't know how to promote it other than add the `react-component` keyword (for [1] ) and list it on [2].

[1] http://react-components.com/

[2] https://github.com/facebook/react/wiki/Complementary-Tools

I'm a noob when it comes to making serious stuff using javascript, but react has been a godsend so far. Actually allowed me to make progress without a hideous amount of spaghetti (not that my code is beautiful).

I've been enjoying [1] quite a bit so far. It's given me a few problems but it seems decently stable. [2] shows some promise, but needs some love - anyone know of any alternatives? Looks like the maintainer hasn't had time to give the project much attention lately.

[1] https://github.com/react-bootstrap/react-bootstrap/

[2] https://github.com/rackt/react-autocomplete

This is a bit silly, it's going to become so huge so quickly, and the information is going to start to rot. At least something like http://react-components.com/ has a bit of focus.

Honest question: how is this better than just googling for "React.js [other keyword]"?

You could use this list to discover [other keyword] if you are unfamiliar with the landscape. (For example, Isomorphic applications)

I was making my first steps with ReactJS and Facebook Flux recently. This "collection of awesome React tools, resources, videos and shiny things" seemed to have so much information that it felt too overwhelming to be of any use to me.

My suggestion is to skip flux until you feel pretty comfortable making simple apps with just react. Ignore the links here and just focus on understanding the code on https://github.com/facebook/react/wiki/Examples

The list is sorta useful but I'd much rather see a shorter, more curated list, perhaps with some commentary.

Would love to see a PropTypes parser which can generate documentation for components.

nice, an additional tutorial about rendering with JSX might be this: http://thinkingonthinking.com/the-rendering-question/

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