The dream of "convergence" will reverse starting with windows 10. Web and mobile will tend towards html5/js, desktop applications such as browsers, games, ide:s, media production, cad,... will remain heavy C++ (or possibly Java/.NET) applications. In 5 years we will see no dramatic change in the landscape. People will realize that even moderately complex applications should never be browser based and ideas such as browser based word processors or drawing programs will be remembered as a fad.
Rust will ease the pain of heavy desktop development somewhat. C and C++ needs to retire, but that won't happen over night. It will take 30 years, not 5.
Web dev will be helped by ES6, or even better: AtScript/TypeScript. JS becomes the assembly of the web and hopefully no one has to actually write todays JS directly.
Rust will ease the pain of heavy desktop development somewhat. C and C++ needs to retire, but that won't happen over night. It will take 30 years, not 5.
Web dev will be helped by ES6, or even better: AtScript/TypeScript. JS becomes the assembly of the web and hopefully no one has to actually write todays JS directly.