I guess I'm just trying to say, you might change up your strategy competing against Cisco, Microsoft, Google, or even Salesforce.com. But an 8MM round from a competitor probably shouldn't alter anything about your plan, unless it's to capitalize on the attention their inevitable vanity launch will generate.
I totally agree, Thomas. I was just trying to take the bounds of the spectrum a bit further. I tend to work in areas with strong network effects, so tens of millions in funding or profits is really nothing. It doesn't affect our strategy at all. We usually just have to be wary of the true behemoths (Google, Nokia, Microsoft, etc.) that can wield enough force to actually change the market.
On the other hand, we sometimes also have to be wary of the tiny, unprofitable startups that have gotten enormous mindshare in the market for some reason. This, of course, is relatively rare - but it happens. The majority of companies are in the middle of that spectrum, and they're the ones that tend to piss away millions without affecting us in any way whatsoever. Except maybe for pointless patent skirmishes. I hate the US patent system with a red-hot glowing passion that knows no bounds.