Very simple: go raise $8-12M based on Lanzone creating a market for a web-based TVGuide. Almost every market worth being in has two winners (think cola, search, fedex/ups, burgerking/MCdonalds, etc).
Also, on exit have two players in the market will help. they will probably not want to exit under $100M and you can carve out the quick exit at $25M.... or not.
the best thing to do is:
a) raise some capital ASAP
b) focus on your product
c) focus on users and what they think of your product
d) focus on distribution (i.e. consider strategic money maybe).
Thanks Jason. That's pretty much the plan, though I'm focusing on "b" until Tuesday, "c" for the rest of my life at SetJam, and going to work overtime to make sure "a" happens in spite of putting it behind "b" and "c".
Almost every market worth being in has two winners
Treacy and Wiersema in "The Discipline of Market Leaders" claim there are often three winners in every market. The price leader, the feature leader and the intimacy leader.
Also, on exit have two players in the market will help. they will probably not want to exit under $100M and you can carve out the quick exit at $25M.... or not.
the best thing to do is:
a) raise some capital ASAP b) focus on your product c) focus on users and what they think of your product d) focus on distribution (i.e. consider strategic money maybe).
best jason