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Seems the post is less about "why u need camera?", as the author gives reasonable explanations for the "why", but more about why aren't Android permissions more granular? I think the answer to that question is how often should the user be bothered to think about permissions? Android gets it all done up front, at the cost of it being "all or nothing". Apple let's you deny permissions at runtime, at the expense of bothering you each time the app wants to use (say) the camera.

None of which makes the post particularly front page worthy. "Why does $RANDOM_APP need to use my microphone?" Because Android permissions model, which has been rehashed to death; next question.

I don't think the solution is to ignore it though. Maybe it needs more calls to change the implementation and fix the core issue.

Just to clarify, the "at runtime" is a bit misleading. It doesn't mean every single time the app function in question is called. It's a toggle done once, and you won't be asked again unless you turn it back off manually.

Asking me if I need the camera, when the camera is to be used, and then being cleared to use it henceforth is my preferred operation. As I said above, it can always be turned back off if I change my mind.

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