from the appeal: "My app helps people avoid pornography by monitoring their actions and reporting those actions to the person they specify"
from the features list: " hard to circumvent...", "option to remove the icon in the status bar", "Accountability partners are notified if you ever disable the app".
it's straight up spyware. it doesn't help you "avoid pornography" by blocking it like you would do if you actually wanted to avoid pornography, just by spying on you. Just because you put "for personal use only, wink wink, nudge nudge" in the description it doesn't make it any less of an app designed to invisibly and remotely monitor the activities on somebody else's phone. This is exactly what the Google Play guidelines forbid, and if you didn't read them before you published your app that's on you. Consider yourself lucky that you got away with it for this long.
You seem to have made up your mind on the intent of the creator, and the intent of its users. A constructive response however would have noted how you think apps with non-malicious intent, targeting people who genuinely want this type of functionality, can distinguish themselves.
When I read your response I imagine a description of a hammer, which has "powerful striking force", and "a reinforced tapered claw", and "extra long handle for extra reach and leverage." Clearly this is nudge nudge, wink wink, targeting people who want to use it to hit other people.
As someone who has installed productivity apps that were too easy to remove and specifically appreciates one of the features you derisively called out, I think you owe the creator an apology.
non-malicious apps can distinguish themselves by following the google play guidelines on security and privacy - if you are monitoring the user, you have to have a persistent notification. you can't secretly monitor somebody's behaviour and then claim your app isn't a spying tool.
>85 percent of the shelters we surveyed say they're working directly with victims whose abusers tracked them using GPS. Seventy-five percent say they're working with victims whose abusers eavesdropped on their conversation remotely — using hidden mobile apps. And nearly half the shelters we surveyed have a policy against using Facebook on premises, because they are concerned a stalker can pinpoint location.
And with this sort of "use case" in mind, the vague name "Ever Accountable", innocuous-looking icon, and evasive description all work to the advantage of abusive users, by making it unclear to device owners exactly what this program is and what it's doing.
As I understand it the purpose of the app is that given you know your wife is watching your internet history, you won't go on youporn.
So how does this monitoring help you clean up your internet activities if you don't know you are being monitored? While the app should let the guardian know when it is being disabled, it also needs to let you disable it and more importantly let you know that it is running.
Once those 2 things are removed it is no longer a productivity app, but a spy app.
> A constructive response however would have noted how you think apps with non-malicious intent, targeting people who genuinely want this type of functionality, can distinguish themselves.
I would've thought this was obvious. As stated in the comment that you're responding to, a persistent notification in the status bar.
It's clearly intended for spying on the person using the device, who may not be the person who owns the device. The obvious example is the use case espoused by the application: you are a business who loans business phones to your staff, or you are a parent wanting to keep tabs on your child, so you install this software, turn on the option to not show in the status bar, and get reports of all activity from the person actually using that corporate phone.
The intended use case is actually a bit stranger: users are intended to install this on their own phone to report their behavior to one or more "accountability partners" so that they will be publicly shamed if they view undesirable material, e.g. pornography.
Spyware is typically unknown to the user, hence the word "spy". In this case, the developer is 100% transparent and users are paying for these features.
Tracking and accountability are accurate descriptions here.
In real life, people can and do install apps on the devices of other people.
You ignore this possibility, but let's not pretend: The app can be installed by a suspicious family member who knows the password (as many family members do, in the real off-HN world), and then hidden from the user of the device.
This is absolutely the definition of spyware, even if the author either A) sincerely believes there is a legitimate purpose here, or B) contrived a clever cover story for it.
I don't know which is true, A or B, but it's quite remarkable that people would supposedly sign their real names to reviews of such an app.
And google plus can be installed and configured to share location with someone else. Yet it's a clearly just a social app, though it doesn't show a notification that it's sharing your location.
Just because something can be used maliciously doesn't make it malicious. When people take that idea to the next level, we get abuse like Microsoft shutting down no-ip.
I'm not familiar with the Google Plus location sharing, but I seem to recall using the old Google location sharing app, and receiving a periodic email from Google reminding me that it was turned on.
Google's spyware policy is crystal clear that "Apps that track device user behavior must present users with a full-time persistent notification and icon that clearly identifies the app."
This deliberately violated that policy, and promoted the feature (disabling the notification) that violates the policy.
It clearly was spyware as defined by the Google policy.
Incidentally, pretty much every page of the Ever Accountable website also contains violations of the Android Brand Guidelines [1] with regard to the use of the Android and Google Play trademarks.
It sounds like this sends a report of all Internet usage to someone, not just the porn sites. That seems pretty weird to me and I can get why Google thinks it's spyware. It is easily an app where someone could install it on their spouse's phone without their knowledge so that they get a listing of their entire usage.
To call it as productivity app where it is obviously a tracking app is probably something that hurt your case.
Unfortunately the app is too close to actual spyware such that Google probably would rather close you down than risk this getting bigger.
Maybe you can make changes to your app so that it's not sending everything, just the porn sites and have there be some sort of notification to the user that the report is about to be sent. As it is, from what I can see, it could easily be used as spyware unfortunately.
Then again, if you're not fairly careful, anyone with access to your google password can locate your phone, read your web history (Chrome), access backups of your photos, see a map of where you've been....
I support Google's decision here, but let's be honest, without being a hyper-vigilant user, the whole Google software ecosystem is an extraordinary piece of spyware itself.
Add an indicator that the app is running, and add some language in the description that directly (not just indirectly) addresses the policy. Re-submit and build up a new reputation.
Yes, that sucks. The entire "we'll take 30% of your money but you can't talk to a real person and we won't tell you how we interpret your app in terms of our rules" is ludicrous. In the U.S. the market is supposed to bring forth more developer friendly app store ecosystems, but that isn't working so well.
Also, the "we'll terminate any other, unrelated accounts at or whim" smells of anti-trust violations, but nobody has yet had the case, money, and time to take them to task for it.
So, the two options are to conform like the minion to the system we all are, or find another line of business.
I recommend adding the persistent notification icon and starting over.
I have the persistent notification already. Android lets you remove the notification, so I made it easier for non-savvy people to hide it. I guess I'll take out the easy button, though my competitors all have it.
Also, I'll send an email to EVERY registered account on the device when it is set up, instead of only the one they pick. That will make it even harder to use this for spying on someone who doesn't specifically want to be spied on.
>Also, I'll send an email to EVERY registered account on the device when it is set up, instead of only the one they pick.
This seems the best thing to do to distinguish your app from spyware. Even if you published it with the best of intentions, you've gotta admit that the features of the app can be abused to spy on the users without their knowledge. If you can reliably alert the user that they are being monitored, maybe that could help get the app approved again? For example, every X days, there is an alert stating that the app is installed and is monitoring website visits.
And, ideally, make the notification contain text that makes the application's ongoing behavior completely clear, e.g.
"Your Internet browsing and application usage are being monitored by EverAccountable, and will be reported to <email addresses>."
If the application's intent is indeed to keep its users "accountable", then surely reminding the user that they are being tracked, and by whom, should only enhance this purpose.
Among all the defenses posted in the article, there is no indication that the app presented a "a full-time persistent notification and icon that clearly identifies the app" as required by the "spyware and phishing" policy linked in the Google suspension email for apps that "track device user behavior".
* Option to remove the icon in the status bar. The app will still run in the
a choice quote from the very first review pasted here [1]
So far so good I love this concept, its a subtle way to keep yourself
accountable with your friends help. The best feature of this app is its
kinda incognito in the since that you can let someone use your phone and not
have them wonder why you have and "accountability app" on your phone and
judge you. Unlike every other similar app, they have an option to hide the
icon from the notification area, which is very important.
Yeah, it's a mystery (rolleyes) why google disabled this app.
Google is notorious for doing shit like this, you can't talk to a real person, you're just fucked. All you can do is complain on social media.
They banned my game ( from using their ads, which ended up losing them (and me) a small fortune in ad revenue. In my case, I wasn't even told why. I tried to appeal several times too, got rejected through what seemed to be an automated system, and had no recourse. It's especially bad because they have an effective monopoly on things like this. (The CPI on any other ad network is complete garbage)
I've had better customer service on things I paid $10 for. It's ridiculous.
It's a shit business model to rely on Google or apple got your pay check via the App Store.
I've said it 1000 times. There is a story like this once a month where an entire company gets shut down because you get on apples's bad side or google decides they no longer need you.
Walled Gardens are shit. Even on google. Android is "Free and open" my ass.
Well, theoretically (& technically) it IS 'free and open' (just that you won't get Google play services if you want it that way, but there are manufacturers which make Android phones without these services) - but yes, your first comment is still right - relying your whole business on Google or Apple app store is just not very good.
I hate posts like this. The app has been removed from the Google play store, so now we have no way to look at the marketing materials and offer suggestions for how they might be changed or what the problem might be. Yes, app stores should be more responsive, but there's no point in wringing your hands saying 'what could be the problem' when you leave readers in the dark like this. At least paste in the original marketing copy or hunt down an archived screenshot of your store page or something.
I don't have the link handy but this reminds me of the guy who made a Gift Card to Bitcoin exchange that started to get a lot of traffic and he was surprised that this was a common path for money launderers.
My concern is where the pivot point is. Sure Google should remove if any APPs' idea is to spy people. However that made Google/APPLE too much power over developers or users. What if I want my dog has a smart phone spy mode: "on" so I can find him when he's lost?
If giant companies can control what you can publish today, they can control what layout you should have on your APPs next week, they can control what contents is allowed next month, then they can decide if you are allow to communicate before you even noticed.
But you could already set your dog up with a smartphone and turn location tracking on. In fact I was looking at that exact setting on my Android phone today, and as a dog woner who sometimes looks after other people's dogs I have thought about this functionality, to go in a small collar device or something.
but that's not spy ware. Spy ware is where you report on location or something but conceal that from the person using the phone.
People should be able to install whatever software on their computers they want. "What if so-and-so grabs such-and-such's phone and installs it?" Well, the same thing applies to my PC. A lot of opsec goes out the window with physical access. Put a passcode on your phone.
> People should be able to install whatever software on their computers they want
Yep, agreed. But unless I'm missing something, Google is not preventing you from installing whatever apps you want on your handheld computer. <tahooie>, the fellow who started this thread, is free to distribute the .apk file for his app via his own site. (Apple, on the other hand, forbids it.)
In fact, Google tells you how to do this: "you can make them available for download on your own website or server... An easy and quick way to release your apps is to send them to users by email... you can distribute your apps through any app marketplace you want or use multiple marketplaces..."
And when I've been working on, it's a lot easier to distribute to early testers on Android vs. iOS. Simply add someone to a Google Group/G+ group vs. TestFlight, must open in Mail app, provisioning profiles, recompiling, re-uploading, why doesn't this version work, I hit my 100-user limit, etc. Ick.
If the Google Play Store's policies become too aggressive, app developers will begin to shift to competing stores or distribute directly or find HTML5 workarounds. Of course I agree that Google should have reasonable policies, but if you don't like them, they (unlike Apple) at least give you alternatives.
People should be able to install whatever software on their computers they want.
I absolutely agree, but Apple and Google certainly don't (and Microsoft appears to be joining them.) They'll all claim that the reason they're restraining you is "for your safety", which is easily accepted by most consumers but not the ones who value freedom more. Sadly, the latter category appears to be a gradually decreasing minority.
> People should be able to install whatever software on their computers they want.
And Android supports sideloading apps.
OTOH, that doesn't obligate Google Play to allow any software you want to sell into their store, especially when it violates black and white terms associated with the use of the store.
I don't so much have a problem with the Play store culling out certain violating apps. I'd just prefer it that they do an honest, real job of it[0]. Either curate the system or make it open. What we have now are non-open systems that are not actually all that curated.
[0] And that's slightly separate from whether or not non-app store programs are installable. But I do think that Apple and Google have explicitly attempted to discourage and obfuscate any process for doing so, even so far as to call into question who truly owns the device, you or the corporation.
Firstly, im not saying this to be a dick... but it sounds dickish... sorry.
What it comes down to, is that its foolish to rely on a business that lives entirely in someone else's garden... if google play just shut down tomorrow (i know, not likely, but you never know with the way patent trolls are these days) then you'd be just as screwed... if you base your livelihood on a business you own that is in and of itself reliant on a third party, you're not going to have much stability.
There are a lot of businesses based on iOS/Mac app stores, Play Store, Amazon's EC2 infrastructure, Amazon's seller marketplace, eBay/PayPal, reselling (e.g. domains, hosting, etc), which won't meet your criteria.
Now let's look at non-digital goods: All new car dealerships, every shop in rental space (which is almost all of them), all airlines, in fact all airport-located businesses, government contractors, all franchises, et al.
So what businesses exist which aren't reliant on a third party? If we ignore government as a "third party," there still aren't very many. Most businesses rely in some part or a large part on a third party.
I sympathize with you and I hope that HN/Google does too, but please, please, please include a description of the app that clearly describes how it is the converse of what Google says it is, if you want people to understand why it's different. As the second paragraph, if possible.
Why is this still a problem? Ultimately, because we treat mobile devices as somehow different from PCs, and we expect different things out of their users.
A PC user is expected to understand that there is a certain risk involved with downloading and installing a random program. We warn them, provide them with scanning software, etc., but at the end of the day, we leave the choice in their hands.
A mobile device user is expected to be an abject moron who willy-nilly clicks on links and installs "apps" because "apps" aren't "programs" [0]. So we curate and control what "apps" to which they have access, supposedly in their best interests, supposedly fairly, supposedly blocking out the bad stuff.
Neither assumption is, of course, either incorrect or correct. We should expect users to understand the risks of installing software, as much as we should expect them to understand the risks of inviting a stranger into their homes [1].
But at the same time, users are god damn idiots. It shouldn't be so easy to tap-tap-tap install a program from who knows whom that has been recast as an "app" and thus disassociated from the notion of "program" that they might already know shouldn't be installed without trust.
App stores need to either shit or get off the pot. If you're going to claim a curated app store, then curate the apps already. Either they are a curated means of acquiring programs, and thus can be completely trusted, or they are not, in which case they need to dump the concept that they are "official" or "certified". This post-hoc nonsense is bullshit.
[0] I do know people who don't think of web apps as "downloading" anything, and don't think of smartphone apps as the same thing as "programs". And I very much believe it to be an intentional bit of marketing on behalf of the operating system vendors to encourage people to prop up a nascent app market.
[1] Well, it is worse. You'll probably not be burned by letting every random stranger you ever meet into your house. But of those same people, one of them might be a software MBA, and concerning your computer, he sees it more as his property than yours.
On PC you download random software from the software makers website, not from a Google or Apple site. Now, if you are downloading something from the Google play store, that implies some form of responsibility by Google. Google is being careful to stop some people from saying "I got a virus from Google!!! They are evil!!!", and similar things.
That is the statement they are making, but it's not the reality. There is a lot of what can only be described by reasonable people as malware in all of the app stores. They are not curated at all. It just happens that sometimes, an app has a complaint against it and an investigation leads to the app getting banned. That's what I mean by the post-hoc system they employ.
And let's not even get into the issues of quality or uniqueness. How many freaking compass apps do you really need?
If you're going to limit free, open installations, and market to users a curated ecosystem, then curate the apps already. Create a review board. No app goes published without human eyes overlooking it. I don't care that it will reduce the number of approved apps (or the maximum approval rate). That's the entire freaking point. Curate the apps already.
Well, this is the world we live in. A world moderated by apple and google. We have to play by their rules. It suck but its a future we have collectively chosen.
We have reviewed your appeal and will not be reinstating your app. This decision is final and we will not be responding to any additional emails regarding this removal.
If your account is still in good standing and the nature of your app allows for republishing you may consider releasing a new, policy compliant version of your app to Google Play under a new package name. We are unable to comment further on the specific policy basis for this removal or provide guidance on bringing future versions of your app into policy compliance. Instead, please reference the REASON FOR REMOVAL in the initial notification email from Google Play.
So you spend time investing in their platform, learning their outdated toolchain, make them money, and they can just shut you down for no reason. It's no wonder the vast majority of mobile apps are side-projects. Who in their right mind would quit their job and join this crap-shoot.
I hope that they'll get their act together on this! With only a $25 one-time barrier to entry, I can understand that they probably have thousands of awful apps being posted all the time. But they should at least show their established developers the respect of working with us before shutting us down.
Google web history. Pot. Kettle. Black. Would agree with other comments though that the external sending of report to third party email address is likely the cause. Making reporting solely related to the current user may help your case.
from the features list: " hard to circumvent...", "option to remove the icon in the status bar", "Accountability partners are notified if you ever disable the app".
it's straight up spyware. it doesn't help you "avoid pornography" by blocking it like you would do if you actually wanted to avoid pornography, just by spying on you. Just because you put "for personal use only, wink wink, nudge nudge" in the description it doesn't make it any less of an app designed to invisibly and remotely monitor the activities on somebody else's phone. This is exactly what the Google Play guidelines forbid, and if you didn't read them before you published your app that's on you. Consider yourself lucky that you got away with it for this long.